Privacy Policy:
Your privacy is important to us. We keep your privacy secure in the following ways...
• No Surveillance:
We do not track you across the Internet. No Surveillance - No tracking pixels.
• Strong Encryption:
We encrypted your passwords with the strongest encryption currently available. We aim to encrypt as much as possible without limiting your experience.
• No Credit Card Storage:
We do not store any credit card or bank information on our servers.
• No Hidden Profiles:
We do not create hidden profile data to track you.
• What data are you processing?
The only data we collect is the data you input into our system. We save your name, email, phone number, location data, and more to complete your profile and be able to communicate with you as needed. Your credit card number is never saved on our servers.
• How do you use my data?
All data you provide is used to display your profile and keep track of the interactions you make on our site. It is never sold or used for any purpose other than to operate our website/platform as needed.
• I want to delete my data:
To have your data deleted from our database, simply
submit a support ticket and request your data be deleted. We will delete your data manually and notify you once it is complete.